Monday Morning Workout Motivation Quotes

Funny Monday Workout Quotes To Brighten Your Day

Kick-starting the Week with a Smile

Monday Motivation with a Touch of Humor

Mondays often carry a reputation for being dreadful, but what if we approached them with a bit of laughter? Here's a collection of funny Monday workout quotes to lighten up your mood and inspire you to hit the gym:

"Monday is the perfect day to start a diet. The rest of the week is just practice." - Unknown

"I'm not sure why they call it 'Monday.' It should be 'Moanday.'" - Unknown

"I'm so happy it's Monday. Now I can spend all day procrastinating on everything I should have done over the weekend." - Unknown

"I'm going to the gym today. I don't want to, but my workout buddy is making me." - The gym buddy: "I am not making you, I'm just there for moral support." - Unknown

"Monday is the day when I promise myself I'll start eating healthy, and then I remember I have a giant bag of chips in the pantry." - Unknown

These quotes may not make your workout easier, but they'll definitely make it more enjoyable. So, put on a smile, crank up the music, and let these funny Monday workout quotes inspire you to make the most of your gym session this week.

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