Based A Slang Term That Has Many Meanings

Based: A Slang Term that Has Many Meanings

What Does Based Mean?

The slang term "based" has a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In general, it is used to express agreement or admiration for something or someone. It can also be used as a way to recognize someone for being themselves.

Origins of the Term

The term "based" originally meant to be addicted to crack cocaine or acting like you were. This meaning came from rapper Lil B The BasedGod. However, over time, the meaning of the term has evolved and it is now used in a much wider sense.

How to Use the Term "Based"

There are a few different ways to use the term "based." Here are some examples:

  • To express agreement with something: "I agree with that, that's based."
  • To recognize someone for being themselves: "You're so based for being yourself."
  • To express admiration for something: "That's a based song."


The term "based" is a versatile slang word that can be used in a variety of ways. It is important to understand the different meanings of the term in order to use it correctly.

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